Sunday, August 11, 2019

Jesus in Islam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Jesus in Islam - Essay Example This essay compares the Jesus known by the Muslims and what the Christians think of him (Ali, 124) Both Christians and Muslims agree that Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary, who was pure a clean at heart (Mk 3.16; 7.4 ;). However, Muslims dispute that Jesus was not the son of God but one of His prophets. In the holy Quran, God communicates to the people that Jesus was an ordinary man just like Adam both moulded from the soil through Gods power. Muslims thus hold on that Jesus was not the son of god since he was made just like Adam who has never been referred to as the son of God (Al-Imran, 59-60). Christians on the other side have a strong believe that Jesus was the son of god who was born through the power of the Holy Spirit without the sexual act between Mary and Joseph, who had betrayed her. Attributing Jesus to the son of God in Islam is thus disputed since it is a concept that means that Allah slept with Mary so as to give birth to Jesus which is not true (Quran, 3:45-47). Christians asserts that Jesus was both human and divine being born in form of a man where the virgin Mary conceived over the power of the holy spirit.As such, (Mt 9.34) Christians worship Jesus as the son of God. The bible describes Jesus as a divinity in the trio; god the son god the father and Gog the Holy Spirit (Mk 3.16; 7.4; Lk 24.32, 5). In the bible, God mentions that all the three divinities to be equally both in power strength and holiness (Nelson, 532). Unlike Christians, Muslims, disagree on the divinity of Jesus. They reverse him instead and refer him to one of the Gods messenger who had been sent by Allah to communicate with the mankind. Muslims believes that since Jesus was created just like Adam and other prophets known to him people should not worship him but rather believe in his teachings that he was sent by Allah to communicate this people as a messenger (Quran, 3:59). In Muslim religion, Jesus performed miracles but this does not make

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